
  • Designing Ethos
    Political Lessons from our Toilette Bowls and Doors. Toilets in modern water closets rise up from the floor like water lilies. The architect does all he can to make the body forget how paltry it is, and to make man ignore what happens to his intestinal wastes after the water from the tank flushes them… Read more: Designing Ethos
  • A Possible Levinasian Theory of Action
    Much of the problem which keeps Levinasian ethics from becoming a viable moral program is the fact that, for Levinas, all actions are, in essence, defined by the priority of ethics. This means that all acts—even those that we find quite offensive— are in principle ethical. In this guise, ethics loses any action-guiding force and… Read more: A Possible Levinasian Theory of Action
  • Heidegger’s Ethics and Levinas’ Ontology
    In these pages, I intend to show that the constitutive character of Levinas’ account of pre-ontological normativity as well as its subsequent ontological articulation in totalization, may well be read as a vindications of Heidegger’s account of the constitutive primordiality of the implicit normative force of others in Dasein’s everyday modes of being and their… Read more: Heidegger’s Ethics and Levinas’ Ontology